Animals of Tibet's Chang Tang

The wildlife on the upper roof of the world.

The Selected Template

has a fixed page width to ensure a uniform appearance on different computer screens. The navigation bar is located above the content container to help easy access to the different webpages on the webside. 

A picture has been placed in the left column to give the website a more stable flow and balance while navigating through the pages (the picture  has been set to repeat downward).

 There is a possibility of adding a background picture to the masthead - e.g. a remote mountain range of tibet.  The user got an  option of scrolling down the page since the text information for each animal is quite substantial. The color range chosen is grayish and neutral but can be changed unproblematic.


is based on a dynamic web template (dwt). It enables the website developer to create a general webpage frame layout which can be used throughout the pages in the website. 

This means a general unchangeable structure strikes throughout the website - it can be edited in the master.dwt file but not in the default file which can be left open for the everyday user for updating information in the website.

A deeper explanation of dwp from Microsoft Office Online:

"A Dynamic Web Template is an HTML-based master copy of a Web page that you can create to contain settings, formatting, and page elements such as text, graphics, page layout, styles, and regions of a Web page that can be modified. You can attach a Dynamic Web Template to the pages in a Web site, and that template defines the layout for those pages".

"Dynamic Web Templates are particularly useful in collaborative environments in which a designer controls the page layouts and other authors add content to the pages but are not allowed to change the layout. When it comes to updating the content on your Web pages, you can do it dynamically!"

The CSS file

is also called cascading style sheets and describes the way one wish to present a HTML/XHTML/XML document in a browser or how to define the layout of a documents as to say. It is used to define heights, fronts, margins, colors etc.

HTML is a structure language while CSS is a layout language. CSS contains more options for layout than HTML and is more precise.

Years ago, HTML also  captures the layout part but this part has now been split out into a separate CSS programming language as such.  It has chosen to have the CSS code in separate files instead of incorporating the CSS code directly into the individual HTML-documents. This programming process is more efficient since the individual HTML-document contains a link to the CSS-file and the formatting is hereby used in a string of HTML-documents instead of just one.

<link href="../styles/style0.css"

 is e.g. a css link used in the Tibetan Bear page. There are two different types of .css files in this website - a layout.css and a style(x).css. The layout.css is being imported in the style.css enabling the developer to chose different a style.css (style0.css to style3.css) if needed.  The total amount of programming code is less and downloading time for the website is lower when using CSS.

Read more about CSS on: (high recommendable)

Template Generated layout

Each of the webpages in the website follows basically this structure: 









where the heading contains information about the page while the body part contains information about the elements which makes the page work as to say (the link to the CSS-file is expressed in the head section).

The div- paragraphs: <div> is being used to group one or more block-elements. For example:

<div id="navigation">



The navigation bar is selected as a whole and the elements within are being attached to the following CSS-statement:

#navigation {
margin-left: 160px;
background-color: #DCDBE0;

The navigation elements are now transformed due to the CSS commands. The advantage is the simplicity of change on a website scale eg. for changing into a different backgroundcolor for the navitation bar.  This statement also tells the margin is located 160 pixel from the left for the navigation menu (there is added one more webpage more to the website than in the original template).

As a test I made a direct picture link for the tibetan bear to the picture on wikipedia instead of downloading the picutre and adding it into the website.

Pictures are selected from Wikipedia.

Here the guidelines for the pictures found on wikipedia:

The Wikimedia Foundation owns almost none of the content on Wikimedia sites — it is owned by the individual creators. However, almost all may be freely reused without individual permission according to the terms of the particular license under which it was contributed to the project. You do not need to obtain a specific statement of permission from the licensor (unless you wish to use the work under different terms than the license stated).

In Germanyphoto rights or "Bildrechte" are the copyrights that are attached to the "author" of the photograph and are specified in the "Law for Copyright and similar Protection" ("Gesetz über Urheberrecht und verwandte Schutzrechte [1]"). These rights deal with rights of reproduction, distribution, modification, attribution, and prohibitions against illegal modification or reproduction. The ownership rights of a picture are treated in the broader "art copyright laws". Furthermore, if a museumor gallery owns a work of art or a photograph, they are permitted make their own requirements as to marketing on illustrations and reproductions of their property. This relates to the German legal concept of the right of owner to undisturbed possession.

Web site developer:

Martin Adserballe

